Saturday, November 18, 2006

CONTINUED STUDIES - 11/18/2006 (supplemental)




David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Since it is that this point within my notes is pertaining to some governing aspects of the modern disjointed movement within the larger mechanism.... and even though I am currently at the point in my notes concerning some thoughts on immigration - I am lead to some thoughts about the larger relationships even between cities, within this dysfunction.

With the advent of modern communications, there has come a sort of amplification to other forms of corruption which used to exist in the sort of "gossip" realm. With that ease of modern communication, has seemed to be an amplification of that as well. What it apparently amounts to in the larger sense - between cities that is to say - is a form of static. A body of ill information that continuously chips away at the stability of those inter-relations... and unfortunately, in some cases, even sets the mood of local governing.

Given the differences from region to region in regard to "local" social aspects, this then begins to pose what may be a manifestation in representation of forms of insanity when considered in that larger sense. No longer is there one larger motion moving in various degrees of tandem... but now, there are/is the potential of incredible extremes to become predominant in that flow of information, which then creates a sort of chaos in said relationships.

One extreme I am familiar with and will use as example, is in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, there is a political bent that is even so extreme as to teach within its political science courses, the abuse of existing laws in some mutated interpretation of some larger effort at gaining social progress. This particularly is pronounced in the areas of domestic laws and is to the extreme that from what I can remember, just before I had left the area - it was no longer necessary for law enforcement to have any sort of court issued documents to gain entry into a house hold.

While this is not the extremes being taught, it is very much as result of the local social atmosphere in which such tactics as teaching the abuse of laws presides.

Further, this extreme of "no warrant entries" is in no way a standard through out the rest of the country - but, due to that modern ease of communications, still has a more pronounced effect on those other areas within the country itself..... and further, more especially within that amplified "gossip" aspect.

The idea I can recall behind such extremes was/is "nothing to hide, nothing to fear." Unfortunately, and given what I had observed pertaining to the local government itself, what this really acted to do was to bolster the insulation between despotism's and ill corruptions presiding within the local government, and anything which they may have seen as a threat to exposing what amounted to the degree of consistent corruptions as is welfare fraud.

What this presents in a larger sense, besides an obvious diversion from the standards of nearly the entirety of the rest of the country, is very much a foot hold for the most pitiable forms of desperation stemming very much from the automated - parrot - type of aspects resulting from postured ignorance posing as authority.

Essentially, it has (or had when I had left) resulted in amplified desperation's from those who probably should have been prosecuted themselves. It was very much similar to aspects I have heard about pertaining to extremes of McCarthyism - being a "fear" sort of state.

In those instances, I do not see why it isn't just as well to again round people up in cage wagons and drag them off to servitude for the "government?"

What this poses, is much more than the danger of a militarized state working to be a tool for the removal of anyone in any sort of dissension.

Considering that modern law enforcement officers (in the field) are trained to respond to information they have access to... it then poses even greater concern given that those modern sources of information can be influenced from anywhere in the world quite literally. But more so of a concern is in the local sense. Such coupled with "no warrant" process for something as extreme as "entry" then sets up an entirely other potential danger.

Again, as I remember this was touted as some grand social move for improvement - especially concerning the feminine interests for some reason. but what it actually exemplifies beyond the presented hype- is a gross misstep BACKWARD in social development and civilization.

It doesn't matter who is running the despotic oppression, it is still despotic oppression.

Something else I seem to recall about the local political atmosphere there, was the fact that any female could simply call the police and "claim" something had been done to them, and that was the end of the story pretty much. The police then arrest whom so ever is accused, and the female concerned doesn't even have to show up for the court hearing.

It is pretty much a "done deal" from the time any female makes any sort of claim to such directions as infraction.

When this is considered in conjunction with that modern speed of communication - it then adds an entirely different aspect - given that the rest of the country is then exposed to standards that are in no way a majority opinion or process.

This of course as a matter of course given human tendency, then extends into various other forms in political "slight of hand" as well.... then adding to that "static" in the larger flow of information.

A person should notice though, that these laws and standards which are presented within the local area there as so magnificent - are in no way even mentioned when those inter-city communications are taking place. Essentially allowing those in that locale the power to incriminate anyone within their own standards - then not being subject to the standards of the rest of the United States. As in those moves politically, locally, they have somehow gained the credibility of the larger mechanism as a facade to bolster the motion and despotic use of their own "standards."

This then illustrates the disjointed aspects I have been exploring - especially when considering the incredible focus in the Pacific Northwest pertaining to technological commerce and things related to it. A prominent software corporation makes its headquarters very near the central parts of the Seattle, Washington area.

When you then consider this aspect in conjunction with the vast difference in the local governing standards - it then presents very much a police state with the major influence being from that prominent corporation.

Could you imagine being a start up competitor to that huge corporation, there? Especially without ties and representation outside of the local area?

It is very possible such interests could even wind up in prison with no recourse what so ever under the local standards and "laws."

Then of course is the aspect of it being a Port City with huge amounts of international business coming mostly from Japan - Which obviously then amounts to a given level of influence from those interests as well - which, as I consider it in conjunction with the monopolistic leanings of the major tech company - accounts for the ease with which such a "military state" was actually put into effect.

As I think about it, there doesn't seem like much anyone can do given the level of dependence on modern communications pertaining to that level of "static" as per that amplified gossip aspect - as well as other ploys much more contrived. The only thing I can bring to mind is similar to "controlled burn" in regard to wildfires - actually making it a standard as per promoting such "static" from all points in an effort to establish a consistency at least.

Of course there are results of such efforts in establishing such a consistency - but given that, the entirety of the information motion could then recognize it as the flotsam that it is.... the actual information may then begin to be separated as a natural course it would seem.

It is a rather interesting thing to have actually lived in the area, and now look back at it and the supposed social "developments" which took place. Many of which being no where near the ideas which even afford the area the sort of leeway it has seemed to gone to extremes in abusing. Even in the fiscal sense - given personal experience with the loss of nearly a decades worth of banking credibility within a matter of about two weeks. This even having been at a Federal Credit Union.. and again, very much through the local influence within that Federal level institution. Then further, as described in other brief commentaries - the "mishap" concerning an estate which was yet to be remitted to my person at the time of my residence in the area - and as per the result of my residence in that area, was never made available to my person as per the established contractual agreement.

The Federal Credit Union is no longer there, so I imagine as I have described, there is probably little if any trace in regard to the estate that was wrongfully procured - "wrongfully" that is, if you don't happen to live in the Seattle, Washington area I suppose.

It does present a particularly difficult situation in relation to the larger motion in a "national" sense.

Is it that such standards should be recognized as a greater standard? Even considering the very dangerous social aspects of them? "That ain't the way we do 'er round here?" on steroids?

Is it to be considered only another "difference" in the differences between regions? Is it further to be acknowledged as such a consistency that it actually resides unilaterally in a social sense - from region to region? Actually being only representative in the extremes of it there - of a presence which is consistently in all other regions as well?

In this example then, should it be regarded as some sort of capitol for a social section within society - then further the same consideration of other concentrations in social tendencies in other major cities? A sort of "horizontal" representation in that diverse recognition in the same manner as a political party affiliation?

This then would mean that San Francisco could no longer be acknowledge as the Hippie Capitol then, right - given the social and political shift from "hippies" to "techies?"

Such would mean that L.A. could be seen as the "plasticity" capitol, wouldn't it?

Should such diversity entail then maintaining an affiliation with the "capitol" areas regardless of the place of residence? Subject in the same sense of reasoning as is utilizing such information from a given area to influence the existence of people elsewhere - to actually having to exist under the same constraints as are present in the "capitol" region, where so ever the "affiliate" chooses to live?

In this example then, it would mean that some people within a given area are more susceptible to something such as "no warrant searches" than are others, right? Even while living in an entirely different city with and around multitudes of others living under similar differences as pertaining to some place of origin or maybe as per previous places of residence?

While it is that I may not have had the privilege of a "higher" education, it seems to me that such extremes as I have used in example here, are rather detrimental to many aspects of efficiency through out the country. And very much wonderful examples of areas within that dysfunction and disjointed aspect I have described.... though most definitely not the biggest examples, and most definitely not the only examples.

But definitely examples of much I have explored, including the "parrot" aspects within the automation.


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